I have been guest of David Tesar in the Edge show on Channel 9 to talk about the early bits of Docker Machine and how it is used to create Docker hosts on Microsoft Azure.

Docker Machine (formerly known as docker hosts command in its earliest days) has an Azure driver which has been developed by Jeff Mendoza in Microsoft Open Technologies. This driver written in Go uses azure-sdk-for-go to talk to Azure Service Management APIs to provision virtual machines and install Docker in them using the Azure Docker VM Extension. You can find more implementation details in the machine GitHub repository if you are interested.

What’s next

Docker Machine is still under heavy development and has some pre-release binaries published. Please feel free to try it out and spin up some Docker VMs on Azure. Let us know on GitHub by opening an issue or tweet me about how you liked it!

You can watch the talk on Channel 9 or from the embedded player below:

Watch it!

Ahmet Alp Balkan / David Tesar on Channel 9 Ahmet Alp Balkan / David Tesar on Channel 9 Ahmet Alp Balkan / David Tesar on Channel 9