I’m happy to announce that I have launched yet another side project of mine: Dailybbble. This little project delivers most popular designs every day or every week via email. So you subscribe and you’ll get 6 best designs submitted to Dribbble yesterday in your your inbox every morning at 9am and you’ll have a chance to skim Dribbble as your day begins while commuting or clearing out your emails.

So far half a thousand people have subscribed already for daily emails, it’s been really fast and honestly I didn’t anticipate this growth. I’m looking forward to see more. Here is a screenshot from the homepage:


Dailybbble also offers an archive where you can go back in time to see populars of a past date (e.g. see populars of May 30). Besides, I also offer a daily RSS feed and a simple API for those who might want to build apps on top of this archive.

Technical details

First of all, it’s all open source, take a look on GitHub. I coded the whole system in Python. Web frontend (where pages, API and RSS is served) uses Flask web framework with Bootstrap.CSS 3.0. It runs on Heroku free tier.

In the backend, data is stored on Windows Azure table storage. I picked that one just to avoid backups, keep everything on the cloud and avoid paying for Heroku plugins (which are definitely not worth.) However I use memcache (Heroku memcachier plugin) since Azure Table could take a few seconds to return to my queries.

I run a script (fetcher.py) on a separate machine to avoid being charged by non-free tier Heroku usage. I use Heroku Scheduler plugin to send out an email once a day (at 9am PST) and once a week (Saturday 11am PST), that stays within free tier.

I am using SendGrid for sending out daily/weekly newsletter emails with Premium package but I’m feeling ripped off right now, it costs me 80$/mo. to send out 100,000 emails a month. That’s why I’m collecting donations to run this (anything helps!).

Please give it a try, subscribe today and give feedback!